جميع المواضيع
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات دورات. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات دورات. إظهار كافة الرسائل

السبت، 3 يناير 2015

مجالات عمل و الفروق بين تخصصات كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات 
وصف التخصصات الهندسية و مجالات عملها
مجالات عمل و الفروق بين تخصصات كلية الآداب و العلوم الانسانية
اسلوب دراسة يجعلك تتفوق في الامتحان اذا كان دوائر (Multiple choice )
هل لديك مشكلة لان تخصصك بالانجليزية !!!
الطريقة الصحيحة للتعامل مع الخطة الدراسية
Mapping the entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to Tables الجزء الثاني من دورة

هذه الدورة عبارة عن جزئين :
الجزء الثاني سيتم التعرف على طريقة تحويل ERD الى Tables .

سيتم شرح خطوات لتحويل ERD الذي فالصورة الى Tables ..
1. نبحث عن Entity العادية , و هي بالشكل EMPLOYEE , DEPARTMENT , PROJECT و يتم تحويلها الى table كما في الشكل ادناه .
  الملاحظات :  
      - في حال تواجد Composite Attribute , نأخذ sub part لنضعها في table .
      - في حال تواجد Derived Attribute , لا نضعها في table .
      - في حال تواجد Multivalued Attribute , لا نضعها في table .

2. اذا وجدت Weak Entity , يتم وضع table لها وحدها لكن يتم اضافة PK الخاص بـ Owner entity  كـ FK ليصبح PK في هذا table هو PK الاصلي + PK الخاص بـ  Owner entity.

Weak Entity

3. في حال وجود Multivalued Attribute , يتم انشاء table لهذه attribute و نضيف له PK الخاص بـ entity التي يتبع لها و يصبح PK الخاص بـ entity + Attribute هي PK في هذا table .

Multivalued Attribute
4. 1:1 Relationship , يستم التعامل معها باحدى من ثلاث طرق و هن على التفصيل التالي : 

1:1 Relationshipيتم اضافة PK الخاص بـ X و attribute التي على relationship اذا وجدت الى table الخاص بـ Y الذي تم اعداده في الخطوة 1.
في هذه الحالة يتم الغاء الجداول الخاصة بـ X و Y التي تم اعدادها في الخطوة 1 , ليتم اعداد جدول واحد جديد بنفس اسم relationship و تحتوي على كل attributes الخاصة بـ X و Y   و يكون PK في هذا الجدول هو PK الخاص بـ X و PK الخاص بـ Y . 

يتم اعداد جدول خاص بـ relationship  و يكون PK في هذا الجدول هو PK الخاص بـ X و PK الخاص بـ Y و يتم اضافة attribute التي على relationship اذا وجدت .
و سيكون الناتج بعد هذه الخطوة كما بالشكل ادناه ...

5. في حالة وجود Reltionship من نوع 1:N  يتم اضافة PK الخاص بـ Entity التي من جهة 1 الى جدول entity التي من جهة N ليكون FK .
Reltionship من نوع 1:N

6. في حالة وجود Reltionship من نوع M:N , يتم اعداد جدول يحتوي على PK من entities المرتبطة بهذه relationship و يحتوي على attribute الموجودة على relationship اذا وجدت .
ليصبح الناتج الان كما بالصورة ...

و هكذا اتممنا تحويل ERD الى Tables بخطوات سهلة و بسيطة جدا و تشرح اي حالات ممكن ان تراها ..
ان شاء الله تكونوا استفدتوا و اذا احتجت اي مساعدة او استفسار عن جزئية من الدرس بامكانك ذلك من خلال كتابة تعليق اسفل المقال او من خلال صفحتنا على الفيس بوك Future 2020

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Mapping the entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to Tables الجزء الثاني من دورة

نشر في : السبت, يناير 03, 2015  |  من طرف Unknown

الخميس، 11 سبتمبر 2014

دورة PHP للمبتدئين

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In this web design tutorial, you will discover a way to create a sleek and professional web page layout that incorporates the 3D Ribbon design trend, as well as some other captivating 3D elements, using  Photoshop.

Final Result

Here’s a preview of what we’re going to create. 
Final preview

Creating the Photoshop document

1 Start off by creating a new document (Ctrl+N); enter the dimensions 1200 pixelsby 1200 pixels.
Creating the Photoshop document

Making the Background layer editable

2 By default, Photoshop locks the Background layer so that you cannot edit it. To make it editable, double-click on your Background layer within the Layers Panel (press F7 to toggle the Layers Panel if it is not visible). Alternatively, you can right-click on the Background layer and choose to "Layers from Background". Once double clicked, you’ll be presented with a dialog box (as shown in the figure below). Enter a new name for your Background layer and press OK; doing this will enable us to edit our background layer.
Making the Background layer editable

Creating the background

3 Now that our background layer is editable, double-click on the layer’s thumbnail to add a Gradient Overlay layer style; use the following figure as a guide on the layer style’s settings.
Creating the background
4 Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) named "header background". Choose the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) in the Tools Panel and then make a selection across the top half the canvas; the selection should be about 150px in height and span the entire width of the canvas.
Creating the background
5 Fill the selection (Alt+Backspace) with any color then add these layer styles.
Creating the background
Creating the background
6 Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) labeled "navigation background". Repeat Steps 4 – 5, only this time the selection should be about 50px in height, still spanning the full width of our canvas; the selection should also be made directly underneath the last one.
Creating the background
7 Fill the selection (Alt+Backspace) with any color then add a couple of layer styles (a Color Overlay and a Stroke layer style).
Creating the background
Creating the background
You should now have something like this.
Creating the background

Creating the Header

8 Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) labeled "header", get the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) from the Tools Panel and then make a fixed sized selection that is 850pxwide and 150px in height.
Creating the Header
9 Place the selection in the middle of the canvas, making sure that the bottom of the selection ends on the stroke which is applied to the "navigation background" layer.
Creating the Header
10 Fill the selection (Alt+Backspace) with any color, and then add the following three layer styles.
Creating the Header
Creating the Header
Creating the Header

Adding the Header title

11 Add your website title and slogan on to the left side of the header by utilizing the Horizontal Type Tool (T). The settings and color codes are listed in the figure below.
Adding the Header title
You should have something like this.
Adding the Header title

Creating the Navigation bar

12 Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) labeled "navigation". Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to make a fixed selection that’s 850px wide and 50px in height.
Creating the Navigation bar
13 Make the selection directly underneath the header, then fill with any color.
Creating the Navigation bar
14 Now, add these three layer styles to your "navigation" layer.
Creating the Navigation bar
Creating the Navigation bar
Creating the Navigation bar
You should have something like this.
Creating the Navigation bar
15 Use the Horizontal Type Tool (T) to add your navigation links onto your navigation bar.
Creating the Navigation bar

Making the Navigation Hover button

16 Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) from the Tools Panel and set its Radius to10px.
Making the Navigation Hover button
17 Draw out a small rectangle that’s about 80px x 50px.
Making the Navigation Hover button
18 Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to make a rectangle over the top half of the rectangle. Fill the rectangle the same color as the rounded rectangle.
Making the Navigation Hover button
19 Duplicate the shape by right clicking on the layer and choosing Duplicate Layer. Then rotate the duplicated layer 180 degrees using the Transform feature, Edit > Transform > Rotate 180o. Finally, place the shapes next to each other making sure there level; use the Move Tool (V) to move the shape around.
Making the Navigation Hover button
20 Make a selection around half of the duplicated shape using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M). Once you’ve made a selection, hit the Del key to clear the area beneath the marquee selection.
Making the Navigation Hover button
21 Use the Move Tool (V) and your arrow keys to align the little shape next to the bigger shape, making sure they are not directly overlapping. Once moved into place, Ctrl + click your little shape layer’s thumbnail within the Layers Panel window to load a selection around it.
Making the Navigation Hover button
22 Switch to the bigger shape’s layer and hit the Del key to clear the area beneath it. Repeat the steps for the other side of the shape – and when you’re finished – you should have something like this.
Making the Navigation Hover button

Transforming the Hover button

23 Once you have your hover button you can delete the duplicated layer, and then rename the remaining layer "nav hover". Now, add these couple of layer styles to it.
Transforming the Hover button
Transforming the Hover button
24 Drag the "nav hover" layer underneath your navigation text layer. Shift the "nav button" layer behind one of your navigation links and then change the link texts color to white (#FFFFFF).
Transforming the Hover button
25 Underneath your "nav hover" button layer, create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) called "nav hover extra". On this layer, create a small ellipse using the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) and fill the ellipse with the color #A3002F.
Transforming the Hover button
26 Cut the ellipse in half by using the Rectangular Marquee Tool to make a selection of the bottom half, and deleting the bottom portion of it. Then move the half-ellipse under the rounded part of the nav button. If the ellipse hangs over the navigation, trim it some more. Once the ellipse is the correct size, duplicate its layer and place the duplicated one on the other side.
Transforming the Hover button
You should have something like this.
Transforming the Hover button

Creating the Content Area

27 Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) called "content area". Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool, create a selection 850px in width, same as our other boxes, and as high as you need depending on the amount of content your going to have; you can make it bigger or smaller later, as needed. Fill the selection with any color and then add these three layer styles.
Creating the Content Area
Creating the Content Area
Creating the Content Area
28 Drag the "content area" layer below the "navigation" layer and adjust the content area box using the Move Tool (V) so its looks like an indented line where the content area and navigation meet.
Creating the Content Area

Making the Search box graphic

29 Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) called "search field" and create a rectangular marquee selection inside the navigation area on the right hand side using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M).
Creating the Content Area
30 Fill the selection by choosing Edit > Fill (Shift+F5) with the color of white (#FFFFFF), and then add a Stroke layer style.
Creating the Content Area
31 Inside the dummy search field, add some text inside using the Horizontal Type Tool (T).
Creating the Content Area
32 Directly next to the dummy search field, create another selection using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M).
Creating the Content Area
33 Fill the selection with any color then add a Gradient Overlay and Stroke layer style; use the following figures for guidance on their settings.
Making the Search box graphic
Making the Search box graphic
You should have something like this.
Creating the Featured Area

Creating the Featured Area

34 Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) called "featured area" and create a rounded rectangle area using the Rounded Rectangle Tool with a radius set at 10px.
Creating the Featured Area
35 Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) to create a pointed arrow on the upper left side. Fill the arrow on the same layer with the same color as the rounded rectangle.
Creating the Featured Area
36 Now add a couple of layer styles (a Gradient Overlay and Stroke) to your featured area layer.
Creating the Featured Area
Creating the Featured Area

Filling in the Featured Area with content

37 Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) called "featured border" and using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), create a rectangular shape inside the featured area.
Featured Area content

 Add a subtle gradient overlay to the featured border layer. Click the layer’s thumbnail whilst holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard to load a selection around it, and then go to "Select > Modify > Contract". Contract the selection by 10px, and then press OK.
Filling in the Featured Area with content
39 Find an image/photo that you want to use (I used an image of some flowers), open it in Photoshop, and copy the image to your clipboard (Ctrl + C). Then with the contracted marquee selection that we made in the previous step still active, go to Edit > Paste Into (Shift+Ctrl+V). The image will then be paste inside the selection.
Filling in the Featured Area with content
40 Finish off the featured area with some dummy text and titles.
Filling in the Featured Area with content

Creating the content area’s 3D Ribbons

41 Use the same method as our navigation hover buttons to create the left par, only this time create the main overlapping part much longer and horizontally oriented instead of vertically oriented (jump back up to the Making the Navigation Hover buttonsection of the tutorial to refresh your memory if needed).
Creating the content area's 3D Ribbons
42 At the end of the ribbon (right-hand side), create a triangular shape using the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) and use the Del key to remove the unwanted area. Finally, add a Drop Shadow layer style to this layer (use your preferred settings) and some dummy text.
Creating the content area's 3D Ribbons
43 Duplicate the 3D ribbon layer and flip the duplicated layer by choosing Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontally. Use the Move Tool (V) to position it on the right; they will serve as the headings for the sidebar content.
Creating the content area's 3D Ribbons
44 Underneath each heading, add some dummy text and maybe an image or two.
Creating the content area's 3D Ribbons

Creating the Footer

45 Recreate the hover button again (alternatively, you can simply duplicate the layers of the hover button).
Creating the Footer
46 Replace the Gradient Overlay settings using the colors listed below.
Creating the Footer
47 Merge them into one layer and rotate it via Edit > Transform > Rotate 90o CCW. Move the object on the left side of the layout.
Creating the Footer
48 Duplicate the shape again and flip it horizontally using Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontally. Move the shape across on to the other side of the layout.
Creating the Footer
49 Merge both shapes into one layer (Ctrl+E), zoom (Z) into any one of the shapes, and make a rectangular selection just like in the figure below, and choose Edit > Free Transform (Ctrl+T).
Creating the Footer
50 Select the middle anchor point and drag across to the other side of the canvas.
Creating the Footer
You should have something like this.
Creating the Footer
51 Finally, using the Horizontal Type Tool (T) add your footer information
Creating the Footer

The end !

لتحميل ملف PSD للتصميم من هنا 

تصميم موقع ثلاثي الابعاد بطريقة احترافية و خطوة بخطوة / Create a Web Layout with 3D Elements using Photoshop

نشر في : الأربعاء, أغسطس 27, 2014  |  من طرف Unknown

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